All Inclusive

A tailored solution for the most demanding customers and powerful projects: all of the above services, provided by a dedicated team, with full support of infrastructure and applications at all stages

The All Inclusive Plan includes:

  • Building a business continuity strategy, analyzing possible vulnerabilities and eliminating them to interact with DRP;
  • Providing a full support package which covers a system architect, 4 leading DevOps engineers, application-level support engineers, fault-tolerant infrastructure consultants, a 24/7 support team of 20 engineers on duty, backup engineers, and technical writers;
  • SLA-guaranteed response time within 5 minutes;
  • Building automatic fault tolerance systems for critical systems;
  • Maintaining full project documentation in compliance with recognized standards;
  • Conducting meetings and workshop sessions with our technical specialists and managers.

Technology stack:

  • Monitoring and visualization systems - Prometheus, Grafana, TICK Stack, Zabbix, Nagios, Icinga, DataDog, NewRelic,
  • Incident response systems - PagerDuty, Amixr
  • Logging, error tracking - ELK, EFK, Grafana Loki, Graylog, Sentry
  • Tracing systems - Jaeger, Zipkin
  • Web, ingress and application servers - Nginx, Envoy, Linkerd, Traefik, Apache, HAProxy, Jetty, Tomcat, NodeJS
  • Programming languages - Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, Java, PHP, Ruby, Erlang
  • Cloud computing platforms and services - Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, Alibaba Cloud
  • Container systems: Docker, CRI-O, LXC, LXD
  • Container Orchestration: Kubernetes, Nomad, Docker Swarm, RedHat OpenShift, Mesos/Marathon
  • Automation tools: Jenkins, Gitlab CI, CircleCI, Travis CI, Bitbucket Pipelines, TeamCity, GoCD, ArgoCD, Spinnaker
  • Cloud automation tools: AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeCommit, Google CloudBuild, Spinnaker
  • Cloud databases: AWS RDS and other DBs, Google Cloud SQL and other DBs, Firebase, MongoDB Atlas
  • IaaC: Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible, Chef, Puppet
  • Service Mesh: Istio, Maesh, Linkerd
  • Service Discovery: Consul, etcd, ZooKeeper, MongoDB
  • On-Premise Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Cassandra, Elastic, Redis, MemSQL, Galera, Aerospike, MSSQL, Clickhouse, InfluxDB
  • Messaging systems: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Apache Beam, Mosquitto
  • Storages for Big Data Applications: Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase, Greenplum, Cassandra
  • Query Engines: Apache Hive, Apache Impala
  • Data processing and transformation: Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Airflow, Apache NiFi, Kafka Streams

We will be able to provide you with your final pricing options once we study and evaluate your infrastructure.


We will be able to provide you with your final pricing options once we study and evaluate your infrastructure.


Tell us about your setup and we'll tell you how we can help

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1-800-994-9492 or


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