analytics The ETL process development cycle To see and analyze your data, you have to fetch it from its source, process it, and put it in some data storage system first. This process is known as ETL — extract, transform, load.
DevOps Why businesses want DevOps, and what DevOps engineers need to know to communicate with them effectively Let's focus on the evolution of IT processes, what businesses want to gain from implementing DevOps, what that entails for DevOps engineers, and how we can bridge the gap between us.
TSDB How we chose the right time series database for us: testing several TSDBs Some might think that any recently written article about choosing a TSDB should essentially be just one sentence: "Use ClickHouse." But it's not that simple, actually.
conference How I Didn't Make It to London but Still Attended the London DevOps Enterprise Summit Instead of sharing the contents of the presentations, I decided to write an article that would summarize the conclusions and hot trends, and also point you to sources with up-to-date information.
SRE Monitoring Microservice Applications: An SRE's Perspective Our past experiences helped us establish a set of practices aimed at minimizing risks in maintaining microservice applications. In this article, I'll share 10 of them (those that I consider to be the most important) and the contexts of their usage.
docker Six Ways to Build Docker Images Faster (Even in Seconds) Building Docker images, which is a part of this process, might take up to a few dozens of minutes. This is hardly acceptable. In this article, we'll dockerize a simple application, then use several methods for speeding up build time and consider their nuances.
k8s Kubernetes, Microservices, CI/CD and Docker: Learning Tips for Old School People If you don’t want to get stuck in the past, you need to learn new IT trends. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but I think I can help you by sharing my learning experience, step by step.
resilience Resilience Engineering: Lessons from REDeploy 2019 Today, our task is no longer about avoiding errors and accidents in the system. The task is to train people and systems to guarantee that future accidents make the least impact on the system, its users and creators.
grafana Developing a Plugin for Grafana: Story of Struggles and Successes A few months ago, we released our new open-source project KubeGraf: a Grafana plugin for monitoring Kubernetes. In this article, we want to tell you the story of the plugin’s creation, the tools we used, and the pitfalls we faced in the development process.
traffic How to Prepare Your Site for Heavy Traffic First of all, monitor your infrastructure. If you don't know what's happening inside your system and exactly where it's happening, you can't fix it.
k8s DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf: Revised K8S monitoring in Grafana DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf is a Grafana plugin that allows you to monitor K8s. It’s an updated, advanced version of the official Grafana K8s App plugin.
finops Who the hack is FinOps? Or proven tips to cut infrastructure costs You’ve probably wondered before how much the infrastructure of your project costs you, and you’ve definitely noticed there’s no linear relation between the cost and the workload. Many CEOs, CTOs,
k8s Failover in Kubernetes: It Does Exist! On the one hand, monitoring and failover management are the pillars of any project's availability. On the other hand, you might question if failover management in Kubernetes is needed at all. Indeed, everything
k8s Database Containerization in Kubernetes Historically, any issue can split the tech industry into two camps: "for" and "against." Moreover, the matter of dispute can be completely arbitrary. Which OS is better, Win or Linux? Which is best